Case Study 1 - Orepuki Catchment Group
This family owned and operated, 419 ha sheep and beef property is a mixture of hill and flat/rolling country. 85 hectares hill & 328.7 ha flat/rolling.
Currently running 1700 breeding ewes, 55 breeding cows with beef progeny and 50 dairy beef calves grazed on farm for 18 months. 1700 ewes and 400 hoggets, Lambs sold prime between December and May.
Wintering on kale and swedes (22 ha) with baleage.
The soils on the property are a mixture of Orepuki moderately deep and Waikiwi deep Brown Soil. 261.7 ha Orepuki moderately deep brown soil & 129.5 ha Waikiwi deep brown soil.
Drainage: 150 ha drained via tile drains.
What's next
We are currently working with the farm owners, Agrimagic, business advisors, friends and catchment group members to workshop mitigations and what next for the farm.
Looking to the future and what can be done on farm to help meet up coming regulations.
Details of farm systems to be modelled:
- Optimisation, 5% reduction in area, gullies etc
- Barn for wintering cows
- Remove breeding cows – grow other stock – lambs through spring
- Cropping rotation: Swedes>oats (silage), raphno>PST