Lower & Mid Oreti Catchment Groups
Click on a location below for information on that Catchment Group, or follow this link and search by your address to find the name of your local Catchment Group or the Group closes to you.
Lower & Mid Oreti Catchment Groups
Your Catchment Group Coordinator
Sarah Thorne | 027 588 5200
Mid & Lower Oreti Bus Trip - March 2023
This initiative came about after the 2022 annual get together of the Oreti Catchment Groups. It was organised by the seven Oreti Catchment Groups to raise awareness and understanding of the health of New River Estuary, and learn about what is being done to look after the Oreti Catchment – wetlands, native biodiversity and good farming practices. We hope it is the start of many Oreti bus trips.
Please email Sarah Thorne - sarah@thrivingsouthland.co.nz - if you want to know more about the information shared at the four sites the bus trip visited.