Case study #1
Russell Drummond, Avondale within the Upper Aparima River Catchment
The Drummond property is an extensive sheep and beef operation located at Avondale within the
Upper Aparima River Catchment. The topography of the property is rolling to steep with some areas
of river flat.
On advice from Environment Southland, Russell has constructed four sediment traps on his property, each focusing on separate smaller catchment areas.
The first sediment trap is located in an area where cultivation and winter grazing have occurred, in
order to capture sediment resulting from these activities. The second site, containing a series of 2
traps, is located within a low use and highly modified existing critical source area to capture material
originating from some steeper hill country areas. The final 3rd site is located next to a farm track to
capture material flowing off the track during high flow rainfall events.
Full details of the case study can be downloaded below.
We also held a field day earlier in the year at this site and have recorded the discussions from experts around site design, creation and purpose. Links to videos also below.