Edendale Aquifer Catchment Group
The Edendale Aquifer Group was formed in early 2024 as a sub-catchment of the Three Rivers Catchment Group. The Group stays in touch with Three Rivers, working together on larger-scale projects.
Covering the western side of Edendale, the Group’s boundary stretches from the Mataura River to the Edendale Terraces.

Your Catchment Group Coordinator
For more info, or to join the catchment group contact Tessa
Tessa Miller
021 400 431
Key Contact
Tim McRae
Date the CG started
March 2024.
Types of people in the Group
The Edendale Aquifer Group are a welcoming group, bringing together like-minded people from all sorts of land uses in the area. This includes dairy and sheep farmers, dairy grazers, and staff from local industries. They’re always keen to have more people from the Edendale area join in.
The Edendale catchment itself is home to a real mix of activity, from dairy and sheep farming to growing unique crops like tulips and potatoes. It also includes some big industrial sites like Fonterra and Daiken, which are a big part of the local community.

Join us for our monthly nitrate water testing sessions:
When: The 3rd Friday of each month
Time: Drop in anytime between 12–1 pm
Details: Follow the Edendale Aquifer Group on Facebook for the latest testing dates and locations
Values and Purpose
Understanding Nitrogen | Foundation Project
The Edendale Aquifer Group is adopting a community-wide approach to tackling challenges in our catchment. This foundation project focuses on understanding how nutrients, particularly nitrogen, move and interact within our waterways, aquifer, and landscape.
Using high-resolution data, we are analysing the landscape factors that influence groundwater discharges. This helps us better understand the catchment’s challenges and identify the best areas for nitrate mitigation.
Key Milestones so far
Workshop with Dr Clint Rissman (Land and Water Science): Dr Rissman guided us in understanding how the landscape affects water quality. He has since developed a technical document identifying key areas for targeted mitigation.
Farm Modelling with DairyNZ: We partnered with DairyNZ to model four farms in the catchment. Together, we are exploring practical options like using plantain to reduce nitrate losses while maintaining successful farm operations.
Portable Nitrogen Testing: With the support of local businesses, we purchased a portable nitrogen tester. This tool gives us near-instant nitrate readings from bores, springs, and streams, allowing us to track trends and build valuable data.
This project is truly by the community, for the community. All data collected is managed responsibly, staying within the Group unless express permission is granted.
We’re incredibly proud of what’s been achieved so far and are excited to see more members of our community join us in creating meaningful change.