Glenham Catchment Group
The Glenham Catchment Group covers 8,514 hectares, and boundaries the Mokoreta and Tititora Catchments. The Glenham Catchment Group has two streams which feed the Mataura River: the Kuriwai Creek and Don Creek.
Read our Catchment Group Summary
Your Catchment Group Coordinator
For more info, or to join the catchment group contact Tessa
Tessa Miller
021 400 431
Group Leads
David Clarke | 0276222325
Dean Rabbidge | 0278733527
Date the CG started
Types of people in the group
A range of farming types, including sheep & beef, dairy grazing and dairy farming.
Hosted events/ meetings
Understanding Our Water Quality
We met with leading Water Quality Specialist, Justin Kitto, who spoke to us about the current, available water quality data for the Kuriwai and Don Streams in the Glenham Catchment. An eDNA test was conducted and Justin explored the results with us.
Willow Eradication and Removal
Crack Willows are an emerging issue in our Catchment, and we think tackling Willow Eradication as a Catchment Group is a great solution. One of the lead farmers in the Pourakino Catchment Group came along to our meeting and spoke of their Willow Eradication Project, and some tips and tricks to willow eradication and removal. Environment Southland also spoke to us about how they can support willow eradication.