Lower Mataura Catchment Group
The Lower Mataura Group is a long catchment at the bottom of the Mataura River. The Catchment Group boundary begins south of the Mataura Island bridge, extending west to Kapuka, and follows the western boundary of the Mataura River.
Read our Catchment Group Summary
Read our Factsheet
Your Catchment Group Coordinator
For more info, or to join the catchment group contact Tessa
Tessa Miller
021 400 431
Mark Hamill
Number of members in the CG
There are 75 members in the Catchment Group. They are always looking for the next area to focus on while continuing to build engagement and revisit the core catchment group areas.
Date the CG started
2016 - The Lower Mataura Catchment Group was established.
2021 – The Lower Mataura Catchment Group evolved, and established two separate Catchment Groups, Titiroa Catchment Group and Lower Mataura Catchment Group.
Types of people in the group
Mix of dairy and sheep and beef farmers.
Hosted events / meetings
An introduction to the Macroinvertebrate Community Index (MCI)
We met with Robyn Holmes from the Cawthron Institute where we learnt about MCI testing and how the Stream Health Assessment can be used to assess critical aspects of your waterway as an indication of its current level of ecological health.
Great South Projects
Steve Canny came down to Gorge Road for an evening with the Lower Mataura Catchment Group. It was great to hear about some of the exciting projects which Great South are investigating for the Southland Region including:
Hemp Farming
Oat Milk
Southland’s Carbon Neutral Advantage Project