Orepuki Catchment Group
Beautifully unique, this coastal catchment is one of a kind.
Read our Factsheet
Read our Catchment Group Summary
Your Catchment Group Coordinator
For more info, or to join the catchment group contact Rachael
Rachael Halder
021 566 229
Chris Paterson
027 234 5148
Date the Catchment Group started
Number of members in the Catchment Group
20 and growing
Types of people in the group
Very community focused group with a wide variety of people from the Orepuki catchment. Everyone is welcome!
Projects underway
The Orepuki catchment group is a part of the larger Aparima catchment group - ACE (Aparima Community Environment). They have just begun a three- year project with ACE involving a number of workstreams.
Orepuki will be holding a number of events, meetings and activities. These include stream walks, water testing, sediment trap construction and more.
Keep an eye out on the ACE page for dates and more information.
Projects planned
Come along and help us decide!