FAR - Nutrient management strategies for wheat, barley and ryegrass seeds
Integrated Pest Management
Routine use of broad-spectrum insecticides can result in insecticides being applied unnecessarily, the enhanced development of insecticide resistance and the loss of beneficial insects. This in turn can lead to pest outbreaks and increased dependence on insecticides. Integrated pest management (IPM) offers an opportunity to move away from a routine broad-spectrum insecticide-based approach to pest management.
FAR - Foundation for Arable Research
FAR - better biodiversity on arable farms
Covers developing biodiversity plantings - planning and costs and the beneficial insects associated with the plantings.
FAR - Foundation for Arable Research
FAR - developing a biosecurity plan for an arable farm
A farm Biosecurity Register is a great way of reducing the risk of unwanted weeds, pests and diseases arriving on your doorstep. Do you have one? Find out more!
FAR - Foundation for Arable Research
Soil Quality on Southland Cropping Farms
This 2004 report is the product of a Sustainable Farming Fund programme and was written by staff at Crop & Food Research (now Plant & Food Research). It describes a version of the soil quality management system (SQMS) that was developed specifically for use on Southland arable and mixed cropping farms.
FAR - Foundation for Arable Research
Nutrient Management for Vegetable Crops in New Zealand
This book is intended to be a resource of best-practice advice to manage the nutrition of vegetable crops in New Zealand (NZ). The emphasis is firmly on practices that are scientifically defensible.
Fertiliser Association of New Zealand
Managing soil fertility on cropping farms
Broadacre cropping is dominated by the production of cereal grains and pulses which are the staple crops for our population. As such society demands a reliable supply of high quality products. To meet these requirements while achieving an economically viable livelihood arable farmers have tended to invest in heavily mechanised high input crop production systems for which the maintenance of strong soil fertility is critical.
Fertiliser Association of New Zealand
E-Check - the arable Greenhouse Gas Calculator
E-Check is a greenhouse gas emissions calculator which has been developed specifically for use in arable and mixed arable systems.
FAR - Foundation for Arable Research